Tuesday, February 7, 2012

Helpful Numbers


AT&T                                                                                (800) 891-1800
Code Enforcement                                                              (805) 658-4711

Community Management                  Fax (805) 639-3486      (805) 639-3483
County Animal Control                                                   (805) 385-7786
DMV                                                                             (800) 921-1117
Farmers Insurance                      Fax (805) 495-2494       (805) 379-5159
Greens Pest Control                   Fax (805) 642-0642      (805) 642-2177
Mike Lynn Handyman Service                                        (805) 659-1381
Police - Non Emergency                                                 (805) 339-4400 
Police Emergency                                                           911

Post Office                                                                     (800) 275-8777

Security                                                                        (805) 701-0123

Southern California Edison                                              (800) 655-4555
Southern California Gas                                                   (800) 892-2253
Time Warner Cable                                                          (888) 892-2253
Ventura County Star Newspaper                                       (805) 437-0000
Webb Wash Laundry Service                                           (800) 421-6897

Sunday, February 5, 2012


Rules and Regulations
JUNE 2012

Table of Contents
INTRODUCTION……………………………………. 1
PREAMBLE……………………………………….... 2
VIOLATOR’S RIGHTS……………………….…….... 4
REPORTING VIOLATIONS…………………...…….... 6
ARCHITECTURE…………………………....……..... 10
HOLIDAY DECORATIONS…………………..……..... 10
SIGNS…………………………………………….... 10
LANDSCAPING……………………………..…….... 11
GARAGE/YARD SALES……………………..…….... 11
JOLLY JUMPS……………………………………..... 11
BALCONIES……………………………………....… 12
FLOORING………………………………………..... 13
CARPORTS/GARAGES……………………..……...... 13
PARKING………………………………….……...... 16
LAUNDRY ROOMS………………………………..... 17
PETS……………………………………………...... 18
POOL…………………………………………......... 20
SATELLITE DISHES……………………………….... 22
TRASH……………………………………...…….... 23
WINDOWS………………………………......…….... 24
COMMON PHONE NUMBERS………………............... 26

The Ventura Village Homeowners Association has provided you
with this Rules and Regulations booklet to help make your residence
at Ventura Village an enjoyable one.
Both owners and tenants are responsible for understanding and
abiding by the Rules and Regulations. Please take the time to read
each one. Owners are responsible to ensure their tenants receive a
copy of the Rules and Regulations. Help us maintain our property
value and quality of life by becoming familiar with and adhering to
these Rules and Regulations.
If you need additional information, please contact our management
Community Management Specialists
Mailing: 5722 Telephone Road, C12-218
Ventura, CA 93003
Office: 2646 Palma Drive, Suite 470
Ventura, CA 93003
(805) 639-3483 Fax: (805) 639-3486
The Ventura Village Homeowners Association Board of Directors
June 2012
The Board of Directors of the Ventura Village Homeowners
Association, a California non-profit mutual benefit corporation, is
the governing body for Ventura Village Homeowners Association
pursuant to the Declaration of Establishment of Covenants,
Conditions and Restrictions (the CC&R‟s) recorded September 6,
1973 and the By-Laws of the Association.
The Association is governed by a Board of Directors elected by the
membership. The Board has the obligation, responsibility, and
right to enforce the CC&R‟s, By-Laws, related California Civil
Codes and the Ventura City Ordinances within Ventura Village
through the establishment of implementing these Rules and
Each Ventura Village residential unit owner is a member of the
Association. Membership cannot be transferred except upon sale
of an owner‟s unit.
These Rules and Regulations have been adopted by the Board of
Directors, pursuant to the CC&R‟s, By-Laws and the related codes
and Ordinances. All Rules and Regulations listed herein have been
adopted by the Board of Directors for compliance with the
appropriate codes and the common welfare of all the owners.
The Board of Directors are given the authority to enact reasonable
rules relating to the use of the Common Area and any recreation
and other facilities situated thereon by Owners and their tenants or
guests, and the conduct of such persons with respect to automobile
parking, storage of boats, campers, trailers, bicycles, toys and other
objects, disposal of waste material, drying of laundry, control of
activities which, if not so regulated, might detract from the
appearance of the community or offend or cause inconvenience or
danger to persons residing in or visiting Ventura Village. The
purpose of the Rules is to provide a safe environment for residents,
to protect property values and the living comfort of all residents.
All terms used in the Rules shall have the same meaning given to
them in the CC&R‟s.
For the purpose of enforcing the CC&R‟s, By-Laws and Rules, the
Board of Directors may levy, assess and collect reasonable penalties
for violations thereof subject to reasonable procedures. These
penalties will be assessed against the Owner involved for violation
of the Articles, By-Laws, CC&R‟s, and Rules committed by the
Owner, members of his/her family or by invitee, licensee, lessee or
sublease of such owner.
Should the Board of Directors and/or management determine that a
violation of the CC&R‟s, By-Laws or Rules may have occurred, a
violation notice shall be sent by first-class mail to the Owner who is
legally responsible for the violation. If the violation notice requests
that the Owner correct the violation only, said violation must be
corrected no later than ten (10) days from the date of the notice. Such
Owner is responsible for providing written proof of correction of said
violation. If the Board determines that an assessable violation of the
Articles, By-Laws, CC&R‟s or Rules has occurred, ten (10) days prior
notice of the intent to impose such penalty shall be given by first-class
mail, along with the reasons for such proposed penalty, and the notice
shall state that the Owner shall be given an opportunity to be heard
orally or in writing before the Board not less than seven (7) days before
the effective date of the imposition of the penalty. If the Owner
wishes to respond in writing, he or she shall explain any mitigating
circumstances on the reverse side of the “Notice of Violation” and
return the same by the United States mail or by personal delivery to the
Management Company. If the Owner wishes to make a personal
appearance before the Board of Directors, he or she shall respond in
writing, requesting to be placed on the agenda for an upcoming Board
meeting. At said hearing, the Board of Directors shall meet in
executive session, if requested by the member, and the member shall be
entitled to attend said executive session. Under no circumstances will
tenants be allowed to attend any meetings with the Board unless
accompanied by the unit‟s owner.
Effective March 1, 2012, any Notice of Violation will automatically
charge the owner of a unit a processing fee of $35.00. This processing
fee is to cover expenses associated with violations. Under no
circumstance will this processing fee be waived. As used herein, a
second, third, fourth or subsequent offense means a violation of the
same or similar rules, and restrictions of the CC&R‟s, By-Laws or
Articles within a twelve (12) month period.
A “Major Violation”, Level 1 or 2, shall be an automatic fine to the
member. No warning will be sent prior to imposing the fine, however,
the owner has the right to attend and may address the Board at the
meeting to protest the alleged violation.
1st offense Written Warning/Courtesy
2nd offense $ 50.00 Penalty
3rd offense $100.00 Penalty
4th offense & every violation thereafter $200.00 Penalty
1st offense $100.00 Penalty
2nd offense $200.00 Penalty
3rd offense & every violation thereafter $300.00 Penalty
1st offense $200.00 Penalty
2nd offense $300.00 Penalty
3rd offense & every violation thereafter $400.00 Penalty
1. Parking on Grass
2. Unauthorized/Unapproved Architectural Modifications
3. Parking of non-compact vehicles in front of laundry room
4. Parking in another residence assigned parking area(s)
5. Washing vehicles
6. Noise or disturbing others
7. Dumping trash outside of trash receptacle
8. Storing items in carport $100.00 every week until removed
(after notice of violation mailed)
9. Jolly Jumpers or similar devices: automatic fine plus any
repair/costs to lawn and irrigation system
10. All owners who rent or sell their units are required to supply a
copy of the Rules and Regulations to their tenants and have their
tenants sign a release (The Resident Information Form). This
Resident Information Form must be sent to the Management
Company within ten (10) days of the lease or a penalty of
$100.00 will be levied.
11. Any other violation that is deemed MAJOR by the Board of
1. If the Police Department is called to your unit for a disturbance
and/or criminal activity caused by a resident or guest.
Should a homeowner call the Police to their unit in regards to the
safety of themselves, guests or tenants, no fine will be levied
against their account, as the Board strongly encourages all
homeowners to utilize law enforcement for safety and nuisance
2. No threatening, offensive or violent behavior against any
resident or guest. This will automatically result in a maximum
violation fine and an emergency meeting with the owner and the
Board of Directors will be requested.
3. Graffiti and/or Vandalism: fine plus any expenses for clean up
and repair.
4. Any other violation that is deemed MAJOR by the Board of
Anyone can report a violation of these Rules by providing a written
violation notice to the Management Company serving the Ventura
Village Homeowners Association. The violation referral should
 The nature of the alleged violation
 The address of the alleged violating party
 The dates and times the alleged violation occurred
 The name, address and phone number of the referring party (to
be kept confidential)
 If referring party is a tenant, they must provide a copy of the
alleged violation referral to their landlord.
An owner shall reimburse the Ventura Village Homeowner
Association for any expenditure incurred in repairing any common
area, including exclusive use common areas and facilities damage
through their (family, tenant and guests) fault or negligence. An
owner shall reimburse VVHOA for any expenditure incurred in
replacing or returning to its original condition any part of the
common area or exclusive use common area changed by them or
their family, tenant(s) or guest(s) without written permission from
the Board of Directors. This includes garden areas, stoops,
balconies, carports, garages, etc.
Everyone at Ventura Village must be considerate of all residents.
Residents are advised to contact the Ventura Police Department to
report obnoxious, offensive or illegal activity, which may be or
become an annoyance or an impairment of other residents‟ peaceful
enjoyment of the properties. Everyone at Ventura Village shall
observe all common courtesies. Failure to follow the common
courtesy is a violation of these rules. Common courtesy includes,
but is not limited to:
1. Smoking is not allowed in any common area per
California State Law.
2. All musical instruments, television devices, stereos, radios, etc.,
are to be played at a volume that will not disturb other persons.
This also includes stereo music from vehicles.
3. No riding bicycles, skates, pocket rockets, miniature
motorcycles, dirt bikes, skateboards, scooters,
electric toy cars, etc., on grass, walkways, entrances,
carports or other common areas.
4. No toys, lounge chairs, ice chests, bicycles or other personal
property that obstructs walkways, entrances or any common
5. No benches, tables, barbeques or furniture shall be left on or in
any common area.
6. No causing fire dangers, especially in carports or while
barbecuing. No fire pits.
7. Residents and their guests shall not disturb other residents by,
screaming or playing with loud toys near doors and windows
while playing on or in common or exclusive use areas.
8. No outside parties or congregating in carports and common
areas. Congregating is disruptive to other residents with loud
conversations and music. Chairs, ice chests, etc.
can potentially create a safety hazard and can
damage the lawns.
9. Do not carry on loud conversations while standing next to other
unit‟s doors and windows. Residents and their guests should
keep in mind that their neighbors may open the doors and
windows more often in warm weather. Outside conversations
and other noises will seem loud and can be heard in your
neighbor‟s unit.
10. No car washing of any vehicle is permitted.
11. Playing in streets, alleyways and driveways is discouraged.
These areas are not only unsafe to play in, but playing there
makes it difficult for your neighbors to park, back out and drive
around the community. Also, loud noises echo from these
areas into the units and may disturb your neighbors. There are
local parks in the area for playing.
12. Recommended Speed Limit is 5 MPH in alleys.
13. No climbing, walking or sitting upon roofs, walls, fences or
14. All children‟s toys, bicycles, etc., must not be left in the
common areas. Children must be respectful of other resident‟s
property and privacy.
15. No basketball hoops/nets are allowed.
16. No skateboard or bicycle ramps are allowed.
17. To prevent damage to or destruction of property and for the
safety and peace of all residents, hitting, kicking, bouncing or
throwing balls or other items is not allowed.
18. Throwing or bouncing objects such as balls, frisbees, etc.,
against buildings, fences, landscaping, windows,
vehicles or garage doors is not allowed.
Exterior structural alterations or additions of any type are not
permitted without prior written approval from the Ventura Village
HOA Board of Directors. An owner must submit a written request
with a sketch of the proposed alteration or addition to the Board of
Directors in care of the Management Company prior to installation.
This generally pertains to the installation of satellite dishes, cable
installation, windows, garage doors, doors, cabinets in carports.
PLEASE NOTE that there will be a $35.00 processing fee payable
to the Ventura Village HOA for review, approval and final
inspection of any requested alteration. The Board will require that
any/all alterations and additions meet the following minimum
1. Alterations must conform to the City of Ventura Codes
including any required permits.
2. Structural alterations require painting to conform to the existing
color scheme of Ventura Village.
1. No one may make any improvements or additions without prior
written approval from the Board of Directors.
2. Residents must allow annual termite inspections.
3. Holiday decorations may be displayed one month prior to the
holiday and must be taken down no more than fifteen (15) days
after the holiday. No decorations may be attached to gutters,
roofs, fascia boards or structure.
4. No signs (For Sale/Lease/Rent, etc.) shall be displayed in the
common areas, lawns, flower boxes, laundry rooms or
mailboxes. “For Sale” or “For Lease/Rent” signs must be of
reasonable dimensions and displayed from within the unit‟s
1. No one shall disturb established drainage patterns at Ventura
2. No one shall remove or plant vegetation, flowers, trees, plants,
etc., except as specifically authorized in writing by the Board of
3. No one shall operate bicycles, roller skates/blades, skateboards
or other wheeled vehicles on any landscaped area.
4. No one shall make any modifications to the sprinkler/irrigation
5. Garage or yard sales are not permitted, unless a community wide
sale is approved by the Board.
6. Jolly jumpers or other similar inflatable devices are not
permitted anywhere on the Ventura Village property. This will
result in an automatic $100.00 fine plus any damage to the lawn
and/or irrigation system.
1. All balconies must be kept clean and neat.
2. For safety reasons, nothing can be stored or left on the steps or
stairways. Balconies are considered “exclusive use common
3. A maximum total of 5 potted plants no more than 1 gallon each.
Each potted plant must be in a container with an overflow tray
beneath ensuring water damage to the balcony surface does not
occur. Watering plants in a way to cause seepage or drainage
onto the exterior of the balcony deck, buildings, doors,
driveways, carports and vehicles beneath the balcony is
4. Well kept patio furniture with rubber tips and well kept
barbecues, including doormats are the only items that may be
kept on balconies. Other items are prohibited.
5. Dogs or other animals shall not be left on balconies unattended.
Residents shall not allow their pets to bother other residents by
allowing excessive barking, whining, meowing, and
chirping/squawking, etc. Dogs or cats are not allowed to
urinate or defecate on the balcony.
6. Doghouses, kennels, cages, birdhouses or any other forms of
housing for pets are not permitted on a balcony. Dogs or other
animals should not be tied or chained to railings on balconies.
7. No item shall be attached to or hung from railings on balconies
or stairways.
8. No clothing, household fabric, rugs or other articles shall be
hung, placed or aired on any portion of the property, including
the interior of any residence so as to be visible from other
residences or the community.
1. Soundproofing materials may be required, prior to installation
of hard surface flooring with upstairs floors. Owners must
contact the Board of Directors, in writing, for approval prior to
installation of any hard surface flooring such as: tile, hardwood,
stone, etc.
2. Installation of carpet and/or linoleum does not require approval
from the Board of Directors.
1. Ventura Village HOA is not responsible for cleaning
carport/garage areas. It is the responsibility of the residents to
keep the carport clean from leaves, dirt, dust and oil.
2. Each unit will have one (1) assigned parking space inside the
carport/garage on one side and one (1) parking space in the
driveway, directly behind the carport/garage parking space.
Anyone parking in the driveway must leave 32 inches from their
car to the carport/garage for pedestrian access.
3. No vehicle by reason of its size, shape or contents shall impede
vehicles from parking in adjacent spaces or prevent the users of
such vehicles from entering or exiting vehicles. Parking in the
carport must be on your assigned half, not to encroach over the
center of the neighbor„s assigned parking space.
4. Oversized vehicles, such as pick-ups, should not be parked
inside the carport/garage that may impede users from entering or
exiting the garage. Vehicles must fit inside the carport/garage
allowing 32 inches in front of any vehicle. Vehicles must leave
32 inches from the carport/garage for adequate access to laundry
rooms, mail boxes, trash receptacles and sidewalk areas.
5. Anyone parking in a space that is assigned to another Unit,
without written permission from that unit owner or the Board of
Directors, will be subject to a fine and/or towing. If a resident
finds an unauthorized vehicle in their parking space, they may
call the Security Patrol or the Management Company to have the
vehicle ticketed and/or towed.
6. Any vehicle left in an assigned space for more than seventy-two
(72) hours will be considered stored and will be subject to a fine
and/or towing unless the unit owner has notified management in
writing that the resident is on vacation, sick, etc.
7. Carports/garages may not be used for storage in any manner
with the exception of a well kept barbecue.
8. No inoperable or unregistered vehicle may be parked, stored or
kept on Ventura Village property including carports/garages.
Abandoned and/or unregistered vehicles or a vehicle that
appears to be inoperative will be towed at the vehicle owner‟s
expense. The unit owner will be charged towing fees and fine.
9. Only vehicles used for general transportation are to be parked in
carports/garages. No boats, campers, camper shells, trailers are
10. Carports/garages and storage cabinets must be kept clean, neat,
uncluttered and free from food or trash that may attract rodents
and/or insects.
11. Nothing shall be parked or stored against any automatic garage
door or interfere with the opening or closing that may cause
damage to the door by obstructing its movement in any way.
Playing with garage doors is prohibited. Operator must be
present when opening and closing automatic garage doors to
prevent injury to others.
12. If a garage door has been installed, lights are to be turned off
when not in use. Garage doors must be kept closed when not
13. No carport/garage may be converted into living quarters.
14. Carports/garages are for resident use only and are not to be used
as a business, carwash, repair shop, workshop, studio, etc.
15. Extension cords or hoses that are run from the carport/garage or
laundry room to an individual unit are prohibited. Any use of
common area electrical outlets is prohibited, including
electricity for electric vehicles.
16. Any alteration to a carport structure shall require Board
1. Vehicles such as boats, trailers, campers, motor homes, large
business trucks, buses and other vehicles not normally used
as a general means of transportation are permitted for a short
period of time not to exceed 4 hours in a 72 hour period.
2. Buses or vehicles having three (3) or more axles are not
permitted on Ventura Village property.
3. No repair work on any vehicle is permitted on Ventura Village
HOA property (includes carport/garages).
4. Abandoned vehicles or a vehicle that appears to be inoperative
or unregistered will be towed at the owner‟s expense.
Examples of inoperable vehicles include, but are not limited to,
vehicles with missing or flat tires, broken windows, expired or
no registration tags, missing license plates, etc.
5. Parking in alleyways, lawn areas or sidewalks is strictly
1. Nothing shall be stored in the laundry rooms, except personal
laundry supplies in small quantities.
2. Laundry facility hours are from 8:00 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.
3. Laundry facilities are for residents ONLY. Anyone who is not
a resident of that particular building may not use the facilities.
No outside laundry service is allowed.
4. Children under the age of fourteen (14) are not allowed in the
laundry facility unless accompanied by an adult.
5. Pets are not allowed in the laundry facility.
6. No smoking is permitted in the laundry facility.
7. Items left unattended in the laundry rooms are done so at the
owner‟s risk. In consideration of your neighbor, please remove
laundry from washers and dryers when finished.
8. Laundry room doors must be shut and locked when not
9. The Ventura Village HOA is not responsible for cleaning
individual laundry facilities. Please remove lint from the dryer
lint trap and keep the area clean for others. Dryer lint and
fabric softening sheets strewn on the floors pose a fire hazard.
Discard of trash, etc., in the trash receptacle.
10. Parking in front of laundry rooms is restricted to compact
vehicles only and must be parked four (4) feet from the laundry
room door and are subject to a 24 hour limit. Any other
vehicles are prohibited and may be towed and/or fined by the
11. No visible drying of clothes, towels or rugs is permitted on
balconies, windows, trees or any common areas. No clotheslines
are allowed.
12. Laundry room key replacement $10.00.
13. Washers and/or dryers are prohibited inside homes.
1. Dogs, cats, birds or other common house pets are permitted
provided they are not kept, bred or maintained for any
commercial purpose.
2. No more than one (1) cat and one (1) dog shall be allowed per
unit. No dog over 25 lbs is allowed.
3. All pets must be registered with the Ventura Village
Management Company annually with proof of current license
with Ventura County Animal Regulation. A copy of the
current license must be provided with registration for any dog.
4. Dogs are not permitted to run loose, they must be on a leash.
5. It shall be the absolute responsibility of each pet owner to
immediately clean up after their pet(s). This can be a health
and environmental risk to others.
6. Pet owners must exercise reasonable measures to prevent all
pets from disturbing others.
7. Dog houses, kennels or cages of any kind are not permitted.
8. No animals are to be maintained in the carport or storage areas.
9. No pet may be tied or chained to trees, doors, balconies, railings,
stairways, lawn areas or any fixture in the common area.
Owners are directly responsible for any damage caused by
pets (owners, tenants or guests).
10. No vicious animals (as determined by the HOA) are allowed.
11. Dog breeds such as Pitbulls, Mastiffs, Rottweiler, Chows,
Dobermans, Akitas or any other large dog are prohibited in
Ventura Village.
12. The Ventura Village HOA Board of Directors may expel any
animal that it deems a nuisance. If an animal is expelled, the
owner shall pay all legal fees required to expel the animal.
Should the owner of a pet violate any of the Rules applicable to
such animal, the following penalties shall be imposed in
addition to the imposition of the fines set forth in the section
13. If an owner of a pet allows the animal to be a nuisance by biting
a person, fighting, excessive barking or whining, meowing,
squawking, running loose, leaving deposits not picked up by the
animal‟s owner or if the owner is fined for two (2) separate
incidents, the pet shall be expelled at the owner‟s expense which
shall include legal fees and all other related costs.
14. Owners are also responsible for all violations of these Rules and
Regulations concerning pets, which occur because of their
tenant(s) or guest(s) pets. All pet rules apply to pets owned or
visiting our community.
Ventura Village owns only one pool, which is located at the North
end of Acadia Place and Telephone Road.
1. No person with a communicable or contagious disease may
enter or use the pool.
2. Pool hours are from 10:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. daily during the
3. The pool is reserved for the exclusive use of Ventura Village
residents and their guests.
4. The maximum number of guests per unit is four (4) at one time.
The homeowner/tenant must accompany any guest to the pool
area and remain there with them.
5. A landlord automatically gives his pool rights to his tenants and
therefore, does not have the right to use the pool and facilities
while his unit is not his primary residence.
6. Children under fourteen (14) years of age who wish to use the
pool area must be accompanied by an adult eighteen (18) years
of age or older at all times.
7. Children who are not toilet trained and adults who are
incontinent must wear “water-proof” diapers or swim diapers in
the pool.
8. Floatation devices that aid in learning to swim and
non-breakable facemasks may be used in the pool. Diving
gear, air mattresses, boogie boards, surfboards, water
pistols/guns, water balloons are NOT allowed in the pool.
9. Bicycles, roller skates and skateboards are not allowed in the
pool area. No wheeled devices other than wheelchairs or
strollers are permitted in the pool area.
10. All persons using the pool must wear proper swimming attire.
No shoes, street clothes or cutoffs are allowed in the pool.
11. No running, boisterous conduct, jumping, diving, loud music,
horseplay, lewd conduct or intoxicated persons will be
permitted in the pool area at any time.
12. No glass or other breakable containers are allowed in the pool
13. All trash and left over food items are to be placed in the trash
14. Users of the pool area must close and lock the pool access gate
when entering and exiting the pool area. No one shall open the
pool gate for anyone who does not have a key. Anyone caught
or reported jumping or climbing the fence or gate will
automatically be fined $200.00.
15. No animals are allowed in the pool area at any time.
16. Safety equipment provided in the pool area is not a toy. This
equipment is to be used only in case of an Emergency.
17. NO alcoholic beverages are permitted in the pool area.
18. NO smoking is allowed in the pool area.
19. Any damage to the pool, equipment or facilities will result in an
automatic $200.00 fine plus the costs of repair and suspension
of pool privileges.
21. Loss of the pool key will result in a $100.00 replacement cost.
1. Satellite dishes are not permitted without written approval from
the Ventura Village Board of Directors. The owner must
submit a written request, plus a sketch of proposed alterations to
the Board of Directors in care of the Management Company
prior to any installation.
2. The Board will require the owner include a $35.00 processing
fee for review, approval and inspection of the installation. (refer
to “Alterations - Structural or Exterior”)
1. Doormats are the only objects permitted on stoops without
written permission from the Board. Stoops are located in
front of a Unit‟s front entrance door.
2. No doormats are allowed on sidewalks, stairs or stairways.
3. Stairs and stairways are common area and residents may not use
this area for storage of plants or personal belongings.
4. Each resident is responsible for the entrance area of their unit.
Each entrance area and the adjoining landscapes and sidewalks
are to be kept free of litter.
1. Trash, garbage, refuse and rubbish is not allowed to accumulate
on any part of the property. Residents leaving large items
such as mattresses, couches, appliances, etc., outside of the trash
receptacle, will be assessed a violation and the cost of the
removal of items.
2. Each unit is assigned a trash can receptacle for their own use.
No trash is allowed to be stored on top or near the receptacle.
Boxes may be broken down and discarded in the white “recycle”
bin located in the alleys. Recycled items must be placed inside
the recycle container.
3. Standing, jumping or damaging the lids to the trash receptacle is
not permitted. Anyone reported damaging the receptacles in
any way will be fined and charged with costs for repair.
1. Use of any faucet and/or hose bib for washing vehicles is
prohibited. The only approved use is to water plants that do not
have sprinkler systems installed.
1. Owners must keep window and door screens in good repair.
Torn or missing screens are not acceptable.
2. All windows and doors designed to have screens must always
have window screens installed and be kept in good repair.
3. Prior to installation of screen doors the owner must request
approval from the Board of Directors in writing. The screen
door must conform to the existing color scheme.
4. Screen doors must be kept closed when not in use for safety
reasons. Screen doors should have an automatic closer
1. Windows shall not be covered with aluminum foil, sheets,
cardboard, flags, brightly colored drapes, newspaper, etc.
Approved window coverings are blinds, shutters or draperies so
that a neutral color is visible from the outside. Window
coverings must be in good condition. Broken blinds and/or torn
draperies are not acceptable.
2. All windows must be kept clean and in an operable condition.
Broken or cracked windows are unacceptable and must be
repaired immediately.
3. Objects next to windows such as couches, headboards, furniture,
etc., shall not interfere or obstruct operation of window
4. No objects shall be placed in windows except for seasonal
decorations and reasonable dimension “For Sale, Rent or Lease”
signs. Unsightly items visible to other residences or to the
common area from the interior of any windows are not allowed.
Unsightly items include but are not limited to, detergents, cans,
cleaning supplies, food, flags, etc.
5. No article shall be hung or protrude or show from the doors,
windows or over the balcony of any unit. Such articles shall
include, but not be limited to satellite dishes, rugs, dust mops,
dust rags, hoses, toys, mattresses, cleaning supplies, wood, etc.
6. Any changes to windows and frames must have written Board
approval prior to installation (see Alterations-Structural or
Emergency……………......………… 911
Non-Emergency..….………………... 339-4400
Emergency……………..………..….. 911
Non-Emergency…………...………... 339-4300
Ambulance…………………....…….. 911
Community Memorial Hospital…….. 652-5011
Ventura County Medical Center…….. 652-6000
Community Management Specialist……639-3483
Security…….. 701-0123
Quality Plumbing…………………… 659-2662
Southern California Edison...……….. 1-800-655-4555
Southern California Gas…………….. 1-800-427-2200
Ventura County Star…..…………….. 1-800-221-7827
AT&T Telephone...…...…………….. 1-800-288-2020
Time Warner Cable..….…………….. 1-888-892-2253
Ventura Village HOA highly recommends that all owners and
tenants obtain an insurance policy to cover their personal contents.
Any such loss is NOT covered by the Association or management.